Friday, March 26, 2010

WTF Moments

Ok, almost every time I am at ODU I have one of these moments where something surreal is happening and I just want to send someone a memo.

Like today:

Dear girl-with-too-tall-high-heels: Your heels are too tall if you can't bend your knees or walk up steps without stumbling. It isn't sexy to fall over. kthxbye.

Dear female students: It isn't necessary to leave the restroom covered in pee. It's reasonable to believe that almost all people who use the restroom on the 2nd floor of BAL are physically capable adults and can manage to make it into the toilet.

Dear National Guard guy: Did they make you buy the backpack that matches your camouflage?

Dear pregnant girl who was trying to talk to the guy she went out with last night: Sorry, but you're pregnant with someone else's baby. You might be awesome, but he's probably not going to call you back.

Dear guys with skateboards: Why are there so many of you? Is skateboarding cool now? I can't tell these things.

Dear Spanish class that meets across the hall: Use root words and you won't have to cheat all the time before class.

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